ZALLI Calcedonia group and OFK Yantra Gabrovo organized event called FootZalli.
FootZalli is the first sports-social event that consisted of a football tournament for Yantra school children, in parallel with a small gate tournament for Zalli and Yantra employees.
The main production plant and Zalli's administration were open to all those who wished to get to know its activities closely and to see the modern textile technology.
The event was attended by the football players and coaches of the representative men's team, as well as the children's and youth school of "Yantra". The guests had the opportunity to participate in interesting games and win many prizes.
On June 30, Zalli Calzedonia group celebrated its 20th anniversary. The company party was held at the main production plant.
Employees with 10 years seniority in Zalli were awarded.
The group "Twin Peaks" and the guest artist Ivana took part in the fun-musical part of the celebration.
All those present at the party had fun, danced, released glowing lanterns into the sky, and at the end of the evening enjoyed fireworks in the sky.
On 25 June 2016 an Open Day in Zalli Gabrovo was held - over 100 employees, guests and their families had fun together.
For the first time on 25 June 2016 Zalli LTD specially opened its doors to all who wished to visit and get acquainted with the activities of the factory.
The attractive event started at 11.30 in the factory in Gabrovo and continued until early afternoon.
Over 100 guests, employees and their families of Gabrovo, had the opportunity to learn about the manufacturing processes in the factory and have a pleasant day full of useful information, surprises and gifts.